Released: July 10, 2023
Admin Permissions
- Added a permission for Insights that shows/hides the Insights tab in the management navigation. It’s enabled by default for Admins and Agents, but disabled for Maintenance and existing custom roles. This revokes Insights access for Maintenance and existing custom roles, so customers should consider modifying their roles if those users need Insights access.
Released: July 13, 2023
Interface Upgrade
- Improved visual contrast in the navigation, based on some users expressing difficulty seeing various elements
Released: July 17, 2023
Bug Fix
- Hide buttons via Edit Owners permission
Software Upgrade
- Back end upgrade to Django 4.2. This affects the entire app, but users shouldn’t notice any difference.
API Updates
API (Application Programming Interface) is for Property Meld users who need to be able to manipulate the coding of the software for their data collection. The below updates only pertain to these users.
Released: July 11, 2023
Vendor Invites
- Public API users can now track the status of vendor invites through the API