KPI Cheat Sheet
Being aware of Key Performance Indicators in property maintenance is essential to your profitability. We’ve created a handy cheat sheet to help guide you towards world class maintenance using Property Meld’s Insights and Insights Pro.
KPI Cheat Sheet
Key Performance Indicators
KPI’s are the ultimate scoreboard for ensuring your success. Without them, you are left guessing. When tracking KPI’s, it is important to know the difference between the 2 different types:
Lagging Indicators – focus on the past. These are useful for confirming trends and changes.
Leading Indicators – look ahead and attempt to predict future outcomes.
KPI's and the Ladder
Understanding the Ladder of Maintenance Excellence begins at the bottom. Without a firm handle on Engagement, you cannot successfully move up to Scheduling Efficiency, and so on. The KPI’s found in the cheat sheet are categorized by their corresponding place on the ladder. Once you are aware of the necessary KPI’s for Engagement, and are seeing yourself within the target range (or better) for its metrics, you can move to Scheduling Efficiency.
KPI Cheat Sheet

If you don’t currently have Insights or Insights Pro in your account, learn more about what’s available here.