Excalibur Homes, LLC, (7,500 units) has been using Insights Pro for only two months, and has been able to standardize their maintenance process, so that realistic expectations can be communicated to their residents.
Example: while they probably can’t replace an electrical outlet tomorrow, based on data, they can guarantee that it will happen within four business days (the top-tier industry standard as defined by Insights Pro benchmarking data). This removes the ambiguity of the turnaround time and sets a clear expectation on the resident’s side. And if it happens sooner, that’s even better. Insights Pro allows you to set world class expectations and consistently over-deliver for your residents. They won’t find that level of service anywhere else.

Using your vendor, internal tech, and benchmarking data allows you to forecast and create predictable, realistic expectations. It also lets you know when you’re shattering expectations.

If you want to dip your toes in the possibilities created with Insights Pro, we would love to give you a quick tour. See how it works.